Texas State University
Communication Design
May 2013 — BFA
My Tools
2017 — Present
Nirvana Systems
2013 — Present
Kent Design
2010 — 2013
2012 — 2013
My name is Devin.
I can cook 1 minute rice in 58 seconds.
My Keyboard often catches on fire from my fingers being crazy fast. You will get used to the
burning smell — I promise. This speed awarded me the nickname “Graphic Design Ninja”.
Along with Design and Art, sports have been a big part of my life. I was designated as the Varsity
Basketball Captain as a Sophomore through my Senior year. This position taught me many life lessons:
1. How to Lead Others 2. How to be a Team Player 3. How to Mentor
I used this knowledge to go on and be the Senior Class President.
I absorbed how to be a leader, what dedication means, and if I really want something —
I can get it.
I look forward to showing you all of these skills that I own…
along with all of my corny jokes.